Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.
The year in pictures
The sights of space from the past 12 months.
The hottest and coldest places in the Solar System
The worlds of our Solar System run the gamut of temperatures. Here are some of the hottest and coldest places we know of.
What are Jupiter’s Galilean moons?
An introduction to Jupiter's moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Moon-spying missions and a planetary evil twin
Whether they’re dedicated to it or not, planetary missions can get beautiful and informative glimpses at distant moons. And who’s the evil twin: Venus or Earth?
Juice launch and mission preview: What to expect
Juice is ready to launch on a mission to uncover the secrets of Jupiter's icy moons.
Red hot space
This week’s roundup of space news and exploration inspiration will leave you seeing red (in the best way possible).
Our favorite moons of the Solar System
A brief guide to eight of our Solar System's most fascinating and scientifically promising moons.
Best space pictures of the month: January 2023
A sample depot on Mars and a stunning green comet top this month's space highlights.
By Jove! (Literally)
Jupiter’s moons have always been exciting to explore, and a new era of Jovian moon research is about to begin.
Best space pictures of the month: November 2022
NASA's chief of exploration mission planning Nujoud Merancy walks us through a picture from the Orion spacecraft.
Meet the snow worlds
Earth isn't the only planet with snow. From Io to Enceladus, here's where snow can be found in our solar system.
Mind-blowing space volcanoes
Taking a look at volcanic worlds in our solar system and exoplanets that might crack under pressure.
Mind-blowing pictures of the solar system's most volcanic worlds
An up-close look at volcanoes in space and how they differ from those on Earth.
Voyager Wide-Angle Views of Jupiter
Last month marked the 40th anniversary of the historic Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter in 1979.
Why are there no stars in most space images?
Look up at space at night from a dark location and you can see innumerable stars. Why, then, do photos of so many things in space show black space, devoid of stars?
Looking at Io's Volcanoes Since Galileo
It’s been almost 17 years since NASA's Galileo spacecraft took meaningful data of Jupiter’s volcanic moon.
Moon Monday: Galileo's Galileans
This week it seems fitting to feature a portrait of the Galilean moons by Galileo.
#LPSC2018: Groovy Galilean satellites
The Jovian system is a busy place. The Groovy Galilean Satellites session at last week's Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) covered analysis of past mission data, testable hypotheses for future missions, and discussion of the use of ground-based data.
#MoonMon: Io's pretty plumes
On this Moon Monday, I'm featuring an animation processed by Gordan Ugarkovic, showing Jupiter's volcanic moon Io with its prominent plumes.
Brief note from #AGU17: Juno observes volcanism on Io
At the American Geophysical Union meeting, members of the Juno team showed observations of active volcanism on Jupiter's moon Io.