



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

What are competed planetary missions?

A critical part of a balanced exploration program, competed missions are scientist-led projects that cost less and occur more frequently than large, flagship-class missions.

What’s going on with Mars Sample Return?

NASA's biggest science project is undergoing an unprecedented second independent review amidst growing cost estimates and daunting technical and managerial challenges.

Why we need VERITAS

NASA's first mission to Venus in decades is in danger. This is why VERITAS is worth saving.

Why we need the NEO Surveyor space telescope

A space-based solution like NEO Surveyor will find more asteroids, more quickly, than any ground-based alternative. Combined with deflection technology, this gives humanity a chance to alter its fate should a threatening asteroid be found early enough.

NEO Surveyor is confirmed

After nearly two decades of consideration, NASA made a formal commitment to NEO Surveyor, an asteroid-hunting space telescope.

What the 2022 midterm elections mean for NASA

Republicans regain control of the House. The Senate remains under Democratic control. This divided governance could slow down the pace of space legislation, even for “must-pass” items like NASA's annual budget.

Why we have the SLS

The SLS rests on a secure foundation of political support, a consequence of the U.S. framework of representative democracy and discretionary funding.

Faith, Doubt, and Contact

Contact remains a unique movie due to its representation of science. It remains a great film due to the treatment of doubt and faith as a universal aspect of human existence.

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