



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Another Day in Action

115 members of The Planetary Society from 33 states met with 161 congressional offices to support space science and exploration in 2022.

Why we do the Day of Action

It's the most effective way to advocate for space. It also connects members of The Planetary Society with shared dreams for the future.

How much does the James Webb Space Telescope cost?

Find annual expenditures, charts, and comparisons for NASA's expenditures on the James Webb Space Telescope, including contributions from the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency over the same period.

Space Advocates, Assembled

The 2021 Day of Action brought together 145 Planetary Society members from 30 states with 167 congressional offices.

Congress Comes Through for NASA Science, But Not Artemis

Planetary Society priorities, including Mars Sample Return and the Roman Space Telescope, were funded by Congress in its NASA budget. But Project Artemis's human landing system received only a fraction of its requested amount, pushing a return to the Moon further into the 2020s.

The Cost of Perseverance, in Context

Disney’s global box office revenue for Avengers. The amount of money Google makes in 6 days. The cost of NASA's Perseverance rover is less than you might think.

Our Submissions to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey

Advocating for space at every step in the process, The Planetary Society submitted two papers to the forthcoming planetary science decadal survey—one on the search for life and one on the importance of planetary defense.

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