



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Shoot for the moon that shoots back

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has some intriguing features: snow, ice, geysers, stripes and much more, all waiting to be further explored.

Alone in space, but not lonely

Comet Leonard heads out to roam free in interstellar space, alongside rogue planets, their moons, and maybe even life.

Is life possible on rogue planets and moons?

Our exploration of the solar system combined with two decades of exoplanet research tells us there are several possibilities for life to exist on starless planets and their moons.

Optimism, ethics and pride

The values that have driven space exploration since its beginnings are still going strong today.

Seeing Ourselves in Space

When we look at our planet, look for life, or direct a rover to look at itself, we see ourselves in new ways.

Venusian Probes and UFOs

Venus is an intimidating destination for spacecraft, and we’re pretty sure Earth hasn’t yet been a destination for aliens.

The Quest for Life on Venus

Did scientists detect a signature of life in Venus' clouds? Or will the bombshell finding be proven false?

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