



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Could there be life on Venus?

Explore exciting news in the search for life beyond Earth, and take a trip down memory lane with our co-founder.

The Making of Life

Michael L. Wong asks how our understanding of the origin of life on Earth informs our search for it elsewhere.

Is There Anybody out There?

The Planetary Society has supported SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, practically since our founding in 1980. Learn the past, present, and future of SETI.

Doing SETI Better by Understanding Ourselves

One of the reasons SETI is hard is that we don’t know exactly what we are looking for, and part of that difficulty is that we still aren’t sure of who we are. An astronomer and an anthropologist team up to explore how cultural myopia shape what we can find in the cosmos.

Let’s be careful about this “SETI” signal

Several readers have contacted me recently about reports that a group of international astronomers have detected a strong signal coming from a distant star that could be a sign of a high-technology civilization. Here’s my reaction: it’s interesting, but it’s definitely not the sign of an alien civilization—at least not yet.

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