



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

What are binary asteroids?

Binary asteroid systems can be found near Earth, in the main asteroid belt, beyond Neptune, and more.

Is Planet X/Planet Nine real?

Planet X and Planet Nine are planets that have, at one time or another, been thought to exist in our Solar System. Both were hypothesized to explain the orbital characteristics of smaller outer Solar System bodies.

Way out there

We’re always learning more about the worlds of the outer Solar System, and even those beyond.

Rocket flight and the five dwarfs

Meet the Solar System’s five official dwarf planets, celebrate two major launches, and find out why planets sometimes seem to go backwards across the sky.

Extraterrestrial frosts

Frost happens throughout the Solar System, creating beautiful views. Learn why and check out the latest in space news.

Worthy goals for a lifelong love of space

Our new list of Space Life Goals will help inspire your passion for space. Catch up on this week’s space news, and tick off a few goals while you’re at it.

Jupiter dazzles and Neptune beckons

Feast your eyes on these images from space, catch up on the latest in exploration news, and get the lowdown on what’s up in the night sky.

2007 OR10 Needs a Name!

It’s time to give 2007 OR10 a name. We’re asking for your help to pick a suitable name for the largest as-yet-unnamed solar system world to submit to the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Looking Back at MU69

A crescent view of MU69 reveals its bizarre shape. Let's look at lots of other fun-shaped space crescents.

A few new images of MU69

New Horizons is back in action after going quiet for a period of solar conjunction following the 1 January flyby of 2014 MU69 (informally nicknamed

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