



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Dunes and doppelgangers

What can we learn from patterns in the Martian sands? And what’s that Earth-like planet over there?

Proximity and distance

Looking at planets and moons from near and far, and figuring out how to get all the way out there.

Jaw-Dropping Jupiter

10 years after launching, Juno is still showing us Jupiter’s stunning beauty.

Seeing Ourselves in Space

When we look at our planet, look for life, or direct a rover to look at itself, we see ourselves in new ways.

Venusian Probes and UFOs

Venus is an intimidating destination for spacecraft, and we’re pretty sure Earth hasn’t yet been a destination for aliens.

Solar Plasma and Europan Magma

From solar storms to underwater volcanoes and asteroid close calls, catch up on what’s scary and beautiful this week in space.

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