



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4857

Opportunity is continuing its drive down Perseverance Valley, a possible channel that was cut in the inner wall of the 22 km-diameter Endeavour impact crater on ancient Mars.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4782

With the latest drive on sol 4782, Opportunity began the long drive down the floor of Perseverance Valley here on Endeavour Crater.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4766

Opportunity is doing a geologic walkabout at the entrance to Perseverance Valley, an ancient and potentially water-carved feature.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4718

Opportunity has made the final drive in the month-long process that began way up north inside Endeavour Crater earlier this Earth-year.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4662 - March 6, 2017

For nearly two years, Opportunity's world has been tilted 10–25 degrees as it drove down to the lower slopes of the wall of Endeavour Crater. Toward the end of last week, Opportunity pulled itself up and over the lip of the crater.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4577 - December 9, 2016

Opportunity has begun the ascent of the steep slopes here in the inner wall of Endeavour crater after completion of a survey of outcrops close to the crater floor. The goal now is to climb back to the rim, drive south, and arrive at the next major mission target on the rim before the next Martian winter.

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