Bill Dunford • Aug 06, 2015
New Robotic Spacecraft Posters
Last year, Planetary Society members helped the artists at Chop Shop select historic robotic spacecraft missions to turn into screen-print posters for the living room. Voters ultimately chose the Voyager, Cassini/Huygens and Curiosity missions.
Chop Shop went on to make posters of the Mars Exploration Rovers and Sputnik. The sixth and final poster in that series featured The Planetary Society's LightSail spacecraft, and that piece was added as a reward in the mission's Kickstarter campaign.
Now there's more. Chop Shop has proposed three striking new posters to close the collection out, including this tribute to the Pluto flyby.
Take a look at Chop Shop's Kickstarter campaign--now in its last few days--for the details and to see the other posters for Rosetta and Galileo.
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