Emily Lakdawalla • Jun 17, 2013
Favorite space images: "Many Worlds"
For this evening's Planetary Radio Live event, Mat Kaplan asked me to do a presentation of some favorite space images. I told him that picking favorite space images is like picking favorite children; it's not possible because they're all my favorite. To narrow things down, I decided to explore a theme. In my big space images library I have a special tag that I use for when a photo contains more than one planetary body: "Many Worlds." You can view all the images in the library that have the Many Worlds tag; below is the list of photos I showed in my talk.
- Planets over Cumbria
- 2010 Total Solar Eclipse
- Birth of a New Moon
- Galileo view of an Earth-Moon conjunction
- The Moon transiting Earth, as seen from Deep Impact (animation)
- Transit of Deimos, Curiosity sol 42
- Phobos over Mars from Phobos 2
- Phobos and Jupiter
- High-resolution Voyager 1 view of Jupiter with Io and Europa
- Jupiter and Europa from Cassini
- Io and Europa from New Horizons (Emily Lakdawalla's version)
- Ida and Dactyl in enhanced color
- Lutetia and Saturn, in color
- Saturn family portrait (taken 20 months before Cassini orbit insertion)
- Rhea, ring shadows, and moon shadows on Saturn
- Mimas above the Rings
- Dione and Saturn, May 2, 2012
- Mimas setting
- Titan and Rhea
- Titan, Dione, Pan, and Pandora
- Dione in front of ringmoons
- A gaggle of moons
- The Solar System Family Portrait
- MESSENGER's solar system family portrait

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