Kate HowellsDec 12, 2014

Our Global Volunteers: December 2014 Update

The Planetary Society’s Global Volunteer Network has been busy these past few months! We have volunteers around the world coming together to share the passion, beauty and joy of space exploration with their communities, and we’re incredibly proud of what they have done so far.

As our volunteer network grows we will continue to share stories of the fantastic work they are doing. For now, here are some snapshots of The Planetary Society’s volunteers in action. If you want to get in on the fun, check out planetary.org/volunteer!

Arizona Robert Amzler, TPS Outreach Coordinator for Arizona State University, visited a fifth grade classroom that was learning about the solar system to answer the students’ questions about space and run a trivia challenge.
New York chapter, 2014
New York chapter, 2014 The Planetary Society's New York chapter hosted its inaugural meeting. The group aims to expand science literacy through educational outreach events and meetings around New York.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. The U.S. National Capital regional group held its first meeting in Washington, D.C.
Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore, Pakistan Volunteers in Lahore, Pakistan brought local schoolchildren to a planetarium and showed them a view of the sun through eclipse glasses.
Lahore, Pakistan volunteers
Lahore, Pakistan volunteers
European Space Agency Open House
European Space Agency Open House A volunteer represented The Planetary Society at the European Space Agency’s open house in the Netherlands.
Portugal Outreach
Portugal Outreach The Planetary Society’s Outreach Coordinator for Portugal gave a presentation on space exploration at a local yoga school.
University of Maine
University of Maine The student outreach group at the University of Maine held its first meetings.
Venezuelan outreach
Venezuelan outreach The Planetary Society’s Outreach Coordinator for Venezuela gave a lesson on space exploration to a local school group.
Arlington, Texas Volunteer Bake Sale
Arlington, Texas Volunteer Bake Sale Volunteers in Arlington, Texas held a bake sale to raise funds for The Planetary Society, kicking off the activities of a new Dallas-Fort Worth outreach group.
Arlington, Texas Volunteer
Arlington, Texas Volunteer

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