



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

MMT image of the plume and its shadow?

I am pretty sure this image shows the LCROSS impact plume and its shadow as seen from the MMT observatory in Arizona, but as Alan Boyle just pointed out, the time stamps indicate the photos were all taken before the nominal impact time.

LCROSS impact preview

Way early tomorrow morning, LCROSS and its Centaur upper stage will crash into the lunar south pole.

LROC nabs image of the Apollo 14 S-IVB impact site

As a reminder that we've been crashing stuff into the Moon for decades, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) team released today a photo of the crater made by the spent upper stage of the Saturn rocket that lofted the Apollo 14 mission to the Moon.

The Power of Lighting Conditions

For over four decades, the lunar science community has absorbed the information from the Apollo missions. Although many important questions were answered, many important new questions are waiting to be tackled -- which is the very essence of science and exploration.

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