



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Planetary Surface Processes Field Trip: Day 1

After a hectic week of tying up loose ends and running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I now have my proster done for the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, and am in Phoenix for the Planetary Surface Processes field trip, led by my adviser Jim Bell.

What are the rovers up to? March 2009

As usual, troubled Spirit's progress sometimes amounts to only centimeters, while golden child Opportunity has already clocked four kilometers on its trek toward Endeavour.

The Reasons Behind the MSL Delay

There are a pair of excellent articles in this week's Space Review by Adrian Brown, looking at the Technical and Budgetary reasons that the Mars Science Lab launch was delayed until 2011.

Mapping Mars, now and in history

Planetary cartographer Phil Stooke has been working on a cool project to compose and compare maps of Mars that show how we saw the planet throughout the Space Age.

Hooray for Hayabusa!

According to JAXA (the Japanese space agency), poor little Hayabusa has successfully restarted its ion engine and has resumed powered flight today. Hooray! This is good news for Hayabusa's eventual return to Earth.

New Google Mars

Google Earth's latest edition was just released and guess what? It has a Mars setting!

A pretty new Hubble image of Mars

A set of Mars image data taken by the Hubble Space Telescope a year ago was just released to Hubble's data archive. It was captured by Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on January 30, 2008 when Mars was about 115 million kilometers from Earth.

Mars Methane Movie

NASA has put together a nice movie of Dr. Mike Mumma summarizing his discovery of methane on Mars.

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