SubjectJupiter KeywordAllSunMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneSmall BodiesUniverseSpace Tech⬤Amateur Images⬤Library HomePictures OfJupiterIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoOther moonsFull globe viewMany worldsScale Comparison3DAnimationPictures FromPioneerVoyagerGalileoCassiniNew HorizonsHubbleJunoAstronomy by planetary missionsGround-based telescopes Changing Io Huge hotspot on Io Jupiter polar storms closeup North pole of Io Jupiter from Juno, October 2024 Jupiter's north pole from Juno A Europan platypus Amalthea and Jupiter from two angles Io's south pole Plumes of Io side-on Io day and night sides A volcanic plume on Io Jupiter's haze from JunoCam Jupiter's circumpolar cyclone Io from Juno, October 2023 Jupiter as a cocktail olive Jupiter swirls and stripes Jupiter lightning Juno spies Jupiter and Io Jupiter's northern cyclones Io in March 2023 Juno's views of Io, PJ47 Infrared view of Io by Juno Europa's high-resolution ridges and bands Juno Europa flyby composite 12 ... 6 >