Dan Durda
Near Earth Object astronomer and astronomical painter
Latest Articles
In 2002, The Planetary Society awarded $28,290 (US) worth of grants to an international group of researchers in support of near-Earth asteroid detection and characterization efforts.
In 2000, The Planetary Society awarded $33,700 (US) worth of grants to an international group of researchers in support of near-Earth asteroid detection and characterization efforts.
In 1999, The Planetary Society awarded $28,000 (US) to an international group of researchers in support of near-Earth asteroid detection and characterization efforts.
Latest Planetary Radio Appearances
Planetary Radio visited Spacefest in Pasadena to talk with planetary scientist and space artist Dan Durda, Marc Rayman of the Dawn asteroid mission, and a guy who calls himself the Space Cowboy. We also eavesdrop on Apollo 17 Commander Gene Cernan and his lifelong fan, Griffith Observatory Curator Laura Danly.
Amateur Astronomers Avoiding Armageddon: New Shoemaker NEO Grant Awardees
High Flyin', Cave Divin' Planetary Science with Dan Durda