Planetary Radio • Jun 11, 2012
Remembering Ray
On This Episode

Ray Bradbury
Author, poet, and visionary

Chris McKay
Senior Scientist for NASA Ames Research Center

David Brin
Science Fiction Author, Futurist, Astrophysicist, and Planetary Society Advisory Council member

Kim Stanley Robinson
Science Fiction Author
We look back to the Planetary Society's 2003 birthday party for Ray Bradbury, with tributes from distinguished fans and eloquent words from the master himself. Emily Lakdawalla enjoyed the Venus transit with her daughters. Bill Nye picks up an honor, and Bruce Betts joins Mat for another What's Up!
Related Links
- Remembering Ray Bradbury & Links to His Planetary Radio Episodes
- Ray Bradbury, Friend of the Planetary Society, by Bill Nye
- Emily's Google+ Science Hour With Dan Durda
- More Venus Transits in 2012
Trivia Contest
This week's prize is a Planetary Radio T-shirt.
This week's question:
Who was the 18th century astronomer that gave planetary nebula their name?
To submit your answer:
Send an email no later than Monday, June 18, at 2 pm Pacific time to [email protected] containing:
Last week's question:
What is the date of the next Venus transit (after June 5, 2012)?
Coming soon in next week's show!
Question from the week before:
Last week's question:
What is the name of the simple scale commonly used to rate the appearance and brightness of the moon during total lunar eclipses?
The Danjon Scale