Donna StevensJan 18, 2013

The Planetary Report, volume 32, number 4: The Year in Pictures

For those of you Planetary Society members who like your copy of The Planetary Report served up in pixels, the December Solstice 2012 issue is ready and waiting for you.

The main feature—in keeping with our December tradition—is Emily Lakdawalla’s Year in Pictures photo spread. Space historian Andy Chaikin talks about Ray Bradbury and our need to explore; Bruce Betts fills us in on PlanetVac’s innovative sample-return technology; our Members share their deep thoughts about space exploration; and Bill Nye describes a (literally) cool experiment on planetary temperatures.

Perhaps, like me, you still love holding books and magazines in your hands, especially when they arrive—like treats—in your mailbox. If so, our print publication is for you. We produce The Planetary Report as a benefit for our members. If you haven’t yet joined The Planetary Society, you can do so here.

By enjoying this and other perks of membership, you help us continue our work of turning the people of Earth on to the passion, beauty, and joy of exploring the universe.  Now, that’s a deal.

We hope you enjoy these features and more, and we wish you a happy and prosperous 2013!

Greatest Hits: The Year in Pictures

The Time is Now.

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