Emily LakdawallaDec 08, 2009

Carnival of Space and Planetary Radio

This week's Carnival of Space may be found at Steve's Astro Corner. Since I haven't explained this in a while, a blog carnival is a listing of recent entries by numerous different bloggers on some theme, and it is usually hosted by a different blogger each week; the Carnival of Space has been running for more than two years. It's a way for readers of one blog to find out about others that they may also enjoy. If you keep a blog, you should consider submitting a post to the Carnival of Space -- there are instructions here.

Also, this week's Planetary Radio features Sean Solomon on the latest science from MESSENGER at Mercury. This week's Planetary Radio also features a format change for my contribution. Last week, Mat asked listeners whether they preferred to hear my "Q and A" segments or to hear me discuss with Mat some of the latest news in space science. The results were pretty much unanimous -- listeners wanted to hear news (with a few votes for "both"). Which is actually a lot easier for me, so I appreciate the votes, guys!

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