Donna StevensMar 15, 2013

The March Equinox 2013 issue of The Planetary Report is out!

I’m happy to tell you that the March Equinox 2013 issue of The Planetary Report is hot off the presses and will begin mailing next week.  Those of you who prefer to receive your magazine electronically can pick it up here.

Although we love all the planets and moons in our solar system, most of us agree that Europa has a mystique all its own. But, until a new mission returns for a closer look, we won’t have a better clue as to what lies—or lives—in the ocean under its icy crust. In this issue, Alyssa Rhoden and Robert Pappalardo describe the Europa Clipper—a new mission concept taking shape on NASA’s drawing table.  Bill Nye and Casey Dreier look at exploration—our fight to preserve it, and what is lost when we cannot; space artist and journalist Michael Carroll gives us a glimpse of weather in the solar system; and our Planetary Society Kids insert features a fun and easy experiment for budding astrobiologists.

That’s not all, of course, so we invite you to dig in and see for yourself. We produce this gorgeous magazine for members of The Planetary Society. Not a member? That’s easy to fix! Sign up here and you’ll have The Planetary Report in your mailbox—or inbox—at the turn of each Earth season.

The Lure of Europa

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