Emily Lakdawalla • Nov 26, 2013
A case of the measles for Jupiter?
It has been a difficult couple of months for amateur astronomer Christopher Go's home country of the Philippines, which has experienced back-to-back disasters of a devastating earthquake and super-typhoon Haiyan. But Go is okay, and his skies have cleared, so he is now back to observing Jupiter. He has found Jupiter to be putting on a fun show for observers: it's sprouting little red spots "like it has a measles attack!"
Here are two views of Jupiter that Go took on successive nights, showing approximately opposite faces of the planet. The new little red spots are in the north temperate zone -- the uppermost white zone.

Amateur astronomers like Go make crucial contributions to the study of outer planets, monitoring Jupiter's changeable face so that professionals can learn quickly about new weather events. Go shares all of his photos on his website here. He willingly shares his photos with people who ask his permission and credit him properly.
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