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Clay minerals on Endeavour's rim This is Figure 1 from Wray et al., 2009. (a) MRO Context Camera mosaic of Endeavour crater (2.3°S, 5.2°W) and surroundings, with boxes outlining subsequent figures. (b, c) Distribution of iron/magnesium phyllosilicates (red) and polyhydrated sulfates (cyan) in CRISM spectral parameter maps (b = FRT00008541, c = FRT0000CE1D) overlain on HiRISE PSP_010486_1775. Red = D2300, green = SINDEX [Pelkey et al., 2007], blue = BD1900H [Ehlmann et al., 2009]. Mapped band depths are typically 0.4–1.1% for D2300 and BD1900H, 0.6–1.8% for SINDEX. (d) Median-filtered elevation profile (transect shown by the blue line in Figure 1a); from HRSC h1183_0000 digital elevation model, relative to spheroid and hypothesized stratigraphy, with sub-horizontal hematitic plains layers (gray, short dashes) overlying layers with hydration signature (cyan, long dashes), which onlap tilted phyllosilicate-bearing layers (red lines) exposed in Endeavour rim.