Bruce Murray Space Image Library

Southern Aonia Terra from Mars Express

Southern Aonia Terra from Mars Express
Southern Aonia Terra from Mars Express Mars Express view of southern Noachis Terra on February 13, 2016. This image was made from a two color (blue/green) observation of hazes in the atmosphere. This image captures an area of the Martian southern highlands, an ancient and heavily cratered region of Mars. Several large impact craters can be seen in this image. In the foreground is the multi-ringed Lowell Crater, which measures 200 km across. A similarly sized, but heavily eroded unnamed crater can be seen at its 1 o'clock position. On the horizon sits the western rim of the 1800 km Argyre Basin, the second largest visible crater on the Martian surface. ESA / DLR / FU Berlin / Justin Cowart