Planetary Science Budget Projections for a Balanced Program (pre-FY2017 budget)

Base data is taken from the FY2016 NASA budget request and makes the following assumptions:
A 2023 launch date for a $2B Europa multiple-flyby mission with an additional $750M lander on a launch vehicle that costs roughly the same as an Atlas V.
The next New Frontiers (medium-class) planetary mission stays on track for launch no later than 2025.
The next Discovery (small-class) mission launches in 2020.
The follow-on Discovery mission is selected by the end of 2019 for launch in 2023.
A Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter-class ($700M) tele-orbiter launches to Mars in 2024.
Research and technology funding grow with inflation.
Mars Opportunity is funded through its current extended mission.
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is funded through its current extended mission.