Paul Horowitz
Astrophysicist, Harvard University
Paul Horowitz is Professor Emeritus at Harvard and head of Planetary Society sponsored radio SETI (going back to early 80's) and optical SETI projects. He is also co-author of oft used The Art of Electronics textbook.
Latest Articles
Often, the phrase “next steps” has been known to describe things that don't actually happen. But for The Planetary Society's All-sky Optical SETI, it's different. Here's what's happened in the last year.
Latest Planetary Radio Appearances
A burst of laser light could let humanity know it is not alone in the universe. Harvard’s Paul Horowitz and Curtis Mead will give us an update on the technological wonder of Optical SETI that watches the entire sky for billionth of a second pulses from the stars.
An Optical SETI Update From Paul Horowitz
An update on the Optical Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence from Harvard's Paul Horowitz.