Heather Hunter
Ph.D. Student, University of Miami
Heather Hunter is a Ph.D student in Applied Marine Physics. She also has degrees in electrical engineering and earth science, and spent several years working as a contractor for NASA. Her research interests include satellite remote sensing of the Earth System and the Earth-Space environment, from satellite mission design, to data mining and image processing. Aside from her main research interests, she is also interested in the emerging use of CubeSats for operational Earth observation and the challenges involved in CubeSat mission design. She tweets at @DrSpectra.
Latest Articles
While we can measure properties of these upper layers using ground-based instruments, satellite-borne remote sensing instruments can give us a more frequent, global, and often higher spatial resolution perspective. And that is precisely what NASA’s Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission will deliver.
The upcoming solar eclipse isn’t just about watching the Moon block out the Sun. A suite of NASA-funded science experiments will to study the unseen effects of the eclipse on Earth's atmosphere.
Heather Hunter brings us the next installment in her series on radio detection and ranging.