Emily Lakdawalla • Sep 02, 2011
Titan crater and programming note
The summer is winding to a close but it's not quite over for me -- by which I mean my children -- yet. They're at home with me for a few days until school picks up again on Wednesday next week. All the holidays and travel of the summer have left me with an enormous backlog of space stories to tell, not to mention the stories that guest bloggers want to tell, nor to mention the hundreds of unread(!) messages in my mailbox, unopened academic journals, unexplored image releases, and un-transcribed notes from the New Horizons science meeting. This is just a note to explain that I may be scarce for a few days on the blog and Twitter for this last week or so of summer, and then it will be time for me to begin digging myself out with lots of cool things to show and tell you!
In the meantime, please enjoy this new discovery from Titan, the eighth known impact crater, accompanied by a wonderfully thorough caption written by a member of the Cassini RADAR team.
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