Emily Lakdawalla • Feb 04, 2011
More on Kepler exoplanet discoveries
Here's some links to some good followup stories on Wednesday's Kepler press briefing:
- By Amir Alexander, for the Planetary Society: "Kepler Discoveries Suggest a Galaxy Rich in Life"
- By Phil Plait, for Discover: " Motherlode of potential planets found: more than 1200 alien worlds!"
- By Eugenie Samuel Reich, for Nature: "Citizen scientists beat Kepler team to candidate planets"
And while I'm posting links, I'll point out that the latest Planetary Radio features Jacob Bean on studying exoplanet atmospheres, and the previous one featured Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez and Chris McKay talking about how the Vikings probably did discover organic materials on Mars. (The Viking landers, that is. Not the Viking sea explorers.)
In his most recent "Lou's View" columns, Lou Friedman is concerned about the local interests of congresspeople ruling future NASA funding, but still looks forward to a future where we may fly to the stars.
Finally, I forgot to link earlier this week to the newly restarted Carnival of Space, now being organized by Brian Wang.
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