Susan Lendroth • Sep 30, 2010
Bill Nye Connects with Space People at IAC
The 61st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) is being held in Prague in the Czech Republic, and Bill Nye is attending on behalf of the Planetary Society. The IAC is organized by the International Astronautical Federation which sports on its website the motto "Connecting Space People." That has certainly held true for Bill, who reports meeting dozens of the world's best rocket scientists just by standing in one spot for a few minutes there! He sent us these photos on Monday. Bill said, "LightSail 1 was a big hit today in Prague. People are very impressed by how little overhead and bureaucracy we need to fly this happy little craft. Thanks for your support. Your contributions are helping us innovate and lead the world in this new type of spacecraft, the first ever in Earth orbit."
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