Emily LakdawallaAug 12, 2010

Special note to scientists: Reach out through the DPS

This note was included in yesterday's newsletter to members of the American Astronomical Society's Division of Planetary Sciences, and I wanted to make sure that you scientists reading this blog didn't miss it. I know that many of you would like to do more to share your fascination with, and expertise in, space science with the public, either to classrooms or to more general audiences, but you aren't sure how to go about it; for most of you I know that time is a big concern, and you wonder whether the time you put in to public outreach will really be rewarded, if you will manage to reach enough people to justify the effort it takes. Working through the DPS can help you reach more people more effectively.


The DPS Education & Public Outreach Subcommittee is seeking activist volunteer members interested in leading projects of their choosing. E/PO is defined broadly, and includes both service by and to DPS members. Identified projects in search of volunteers include (1) Teaching resources for undergraduate educators; (2) Information clearing house for graduate education in planetary science; (3) resources for scientists doing school visits or public talks; (4) web page developer and curator; (5) information clearing house on E/PO funding sources; (6) follow-up events to the International Year of Astronomy, including the 2010-2012 "Year of the Solar System"; (7) coordination & collaboration with other astronomical organizations & clubs; (8) planetary outreach speaker's bureau. If any of these sound like a good idea to you, please consider joining us to head up the effort. If you've identified a project you consider higher priority, please suggest it! Please reply to Nick Schneider at LASP, the DPS E/PO officer. Interested parties will meet informally at the Pasadena DPS meeting.

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