Emily LakdawallaMar 28, 2010

Space Imaging 3: First Voyage into the PDS

I've finally caught my breath enough to contemplate starting up my imaging classes again. After numerous false starts on an outline for the next class, I decided that the best way to approach getting started with archived data was to just dive straight in, picking a single data set (I settled on Voyager at Jupiter) to play with. So that's what we'll do in the next class: learn where to locate the Voyager data, how to locate interesting images within the data set, and run through some image processing tricks. If you want to watch live, it'll be on Tuesday at noon Pacific time (19:00 UTC). But don't worry if you can't catch it live; it'll be recorded and I'll post a link to the recorded version shortly after the class is over.

While I'll do a little review of the concepts I covered in my first two classes, I will assume that viewers are familiar with the basic image processing tricks I discussed therein. If you don't remember what a histogram or an RGB color composite is, you may want to review.

Topic: Space Imaging 3: First Voyage into the PDS
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 578 993 204
Meeting Password: imaging

To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
. Go to this link
. Enter your name and email address.
. Enter the meeting password: imaging
. Click "Join Now".

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