Louis D. FriedmanMar 05, 2010

Join the Fight for NASA's Future!

The U.S. Administration's request for the 2011 NASA budget calls for a bold recasting of the agency's path for human space exploration. With the new plan NASA will receive more funding for science and technology missions, both robotic and human, and join forces with private industry and international partners. Together they will develop new capabilities and technologies to carry humans beyond Earth orbit -- to the Moon, near-Earth asteroids, and ultimately to Mars. Find out more about the 2011 budget proposal on our FAQ page.

The Administration's proposal has come under attack from special interests and their representatives in Congress. They are trying to chip away at this bold new program and go back to "business as usual," leaving us stuck in Earth orbit for another decade or more. Tell Congress to support the Administration's proposal!

The Planetary Society is determined not to let that happen. The Administration's new plan closely follows our own recommendations, included last year in our report Beyond the Moon: A New Roadmap for Human Space Exploration.

Support the future of robotic and human space exploration by calling or writing your Congressional representatives today. Tell them to support the Administration's proposal and ask NASA to provide specific milestones on the road to advancing human exploration into deep space.Join the Society in its fight for NASA's future!

Thank you for your continued support!

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