Emily Lakdawalla • Aug 12, 2009
Mars eye candy: New oblique view of Victoria crater
Today the HiRISE team released a lovely new view of Victoria crater, taken nearly a year after the Opportunity rover departed it:
Here's a version in which I slapped on labels for all the capes (yellow) and bays (blue) named by the rover team:
What's cool about this photo, apart from the oblique view that makes west-facing cliffs easier to see, is of course that you can see rover tracks. The tracks show up brighter and redder than the sand. And wherever Opportunity paused and turned, it made a little doughnut that punctuates the tracks with a little bright dot -- very cute, and almost identical to the appearance of Eduardo Tesheiner's route maps! Here's a comparison between the northern rim of the crater and Eduardo's map. I stretched the color in the base image to make it easier to pick out Opportunity's tracks.
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