Ryan Anderson • Nov 01, 2009
Vote Early and Often!
This article originally appeared on Ryan Anderson's "The Martian Chronicles" blog and is reposted here with permission.
Remember when I mentioned a few weeks ago that I submitted a blog post about MSL as an action-adventure hero to ScientificBlogging's science writing competition? Well they have announced the finalists and I'm one of them! From now until November 22, all the finalist posts are open for voting. You can vote for as many entries as you want each day, every day! So that means that you can vote for my post 22 times! To vote, go to my post and click on the little gray counter to the right of the title.
The winner of the competition gets $2500 and a 3 month writing internship at ScientificBlogging.com, and the runners up get $1000 and $500. So please, vote early and vote often! Thanks!
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