Emily Lakdawalla • Jan 07, 2009
Spirit moved!
Hallelujah! For the first time in almost an Earth year, amateur mars mapper Eduardo Tesheiner is able to scratch a tiny little line on his map of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's peregrinations across Gusev Crater. Here's the updated map, the first new one since sol 1466:

What? You can't see anything different from previous maps? Here's a zoom:

Spirit has slid downhill, and can no longer see up onto the top of Home Plate. And look, Spirit is about to cross its own tracks, made more than a thousand sols (that's nearly three Earth years!) ago. Over at Mars and Me, it's Spirit's sol 4, and Scott is actually in on a phone conversation with the President. Remarkable. Go read it. It's a fine example of where a little chutzpah can take you: "...So I did the sort of thing I never do: when everyone else filed out of the room, I casually got up and trailed along after them, as if I belonged...
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