Topographic map of Occator crater

Topographic map of Occator crater
Topographic map of Occator crater This color-coded topographic map of Occator crater is based on Dawn’s observations in its second mapping orbit at an altitude of 2,700 miles (4,400 kilometers). Of course there is no sea level on Ceres, but the deep blue here is 5,150 feet (1,570 meters) below a reference level, and brown is 14,025 feet (4,275 meters) above it. (Brown is used in place of white for the elevation, so white can show the bright regions.) Imagine the exotic scenery here, with strangely bright areas and towering crater walls. The stereo views acquired in the third mapping orbit will reveal finer detail in the topography. Full image and caption. NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA