Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter instrument deck

On the extreme left, half of the CRISM spectrometer is visible. CRISM has an aperture that is cylindrical in shape and projects approximately vertically from the instrument deck. Close to the deck is a fan-shaped cooler that makes a blue bulge. The bright green blob below that is the CRISM electronics box.
The darker blue pyramid-shaped object to the right of CRISM is one corner of the spacecraft. An attitude thruster is mounted on the corner and is covered by a thermal blanket.
In the center of the image is the skinny projection of the MARCI context imaging camera.
The large shape to the right of center is composed of two separate objects. In the foreground is the mostly blue Electra radio antenna. It is largely blocking a view of one of the two solar panels.
At the far right is the large cylindrical body of the HiRISE camera. At the moment that this image was taken, HiRISE was powered on. Three small struts support HiRISE's secondary mirror. When HiRISE is in use, these struts are heated to a specific temperature in order to make sure that they maintain a constant and known length. Those heated struts form the hottest pixels in this thermal image.