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Crossed-eye stereo view of some rounded rocks from MAHLI
Crossed-eye stereo view of some rounded rocks from MAHLI This is a test view of some Earth rocks captured by MAHLI, the Mars Hand Lens Imager for the Curiosity rover. The two images were taken by MAHLI sequentially, with a small shift of the arm between them, to create a stereo view. To achieve the stereo effect, bring the enlarged image up on your screen, then cross your eyes. The left and right images will overlap. Try to adjust your eyes' crossing until the two images overlap exactly, and then focus on the overlapped image. MAHLI is capable of focusing at different distances from the target, so can obtain wide views like this one (the gray cobble is about 11 centimeters long) and much tighter views zooming in on the grains. NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS