Crater lakes?

Crater lakes?
Crater lakes? Did some martian impact craters once have lakes in them? Are the layered rocks we now find exposed in some of these craters the result of sediment and ash deposition into ancient lakes? The jury is still out. This is a MRO CTX stereopair anaglyph (red left eye, blue right right) shows an unnamed crater in western Arabia Terra near 8.9°N, 1.2°W. The figure is composed of sub-frames of CTX images P02_001902_1889_XI_08N001W, taken in December 2006, and P03_002047_1889_XI_08N001W, acquired in January 2007. North is up. The map-projection and anaglyph production were done by MRO CTX staff at Malin Space Science Systems. NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS