Cassini RADAR and VIMS view of a possible cryovolcano on Titan

Cassini RADAR and VIMS view of a possible cryovolcano on Titan
Cassini RADAR and VIMS view of a possible cryovolcano on Titan This animation compares two views of a small crater-like feature on Titan, captured with Cassini's RADAR and VIMS instruments. The RADAR view shows a bright circular feature about 10 kilometers in diameter with a fan of material spraying to the northeast. The color VIMS view overlaid on top shows that the fan has sharply different color to the background. Furthermore, the boundaries of the fan are very sharp. These two characteristics suggest that the fan is a deposit of solid material that originated from the small circular feature, which may be a cryovolcano. NASA / JPL-Caltech / U. Arizona