Nicholas de Monchaux - thumbnail

Nicholas de Monchaux

Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of the Berkeley Center for New Media at UC Berkeley, author of "Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo"

Nicholas de Monchaux is the Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of the Berkeley Center for New Media at UC Berkeley and author of Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo.

Learn more about Nicholas de Monchaux.

Latest Planetary Radio Appearances

Reflections of Humanity in a Spacesuit for Moonwalkers

Host Mat Kaplan in a long and fascinating conversation with Nicholas de Monchaux, author of Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo. This great book is about much more than creation of the suits that allowed humans to walk and work on the Moon. Jason Davis shares pointers on looking for LightSail 2 overhead, while Bruce Betts provides a solar sail update in this week’s What’s Up. And you might win a Planetary Radio t-shirt!