Solar system montage with eight planets

Michael Burke, age 11


Justification for the name: "I think that Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war and the sun, would be a good name for the asteroid. My first reason for naming the asteroid this is because Huitzilopochtli is an old god, and was there when the universe was being formed. The asteroid also is very old, being made of parts of rock when the universe was made. If we have the right technology, we can take parts of the asteroid and study it to find out more about how the universe formed. Another reason is because Huitzilopochtli is the god of war. NASA has been doing research, and has found out that in 2182, this asteroid might crash into earth, causing damage which is destructive like war. The last reason is that Huitzilopochtli is also one of the most important gods. The asteroid, even though it is very small, might hit the earth and cause damage, so it is very important."

What do you want to see next in space? "I want to see more research regarding black holes."