Since 2002, Planetary Radio has visited with a scientist, engineer, project manager, advocate, or writer who provides a unique perspective on the quest for knowledge about our Solar System and beyond. The full show archive is available for free.

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Kepler Discovers Hundreds of Extrasolar Planets!

Kepler Discovers Hundreds of Extrasolar Planets!

Tasting a Super-Earth's Atmosphere

Tasting a Super-Earth's Atmosphere

Talking With Mary Roach, Author of Packing for Mars

Talking With Mary Roach, Author of Packing for Mars

Kepler Discovers Hundreds of Exoplanets

Kepler Discovers Hundreds of Exoplanets

It's Mars Rover Opportunity, Only Smarter

JPL engineer Daniel Gaines helped develop new software for Opportunity to autonomously select objects for close-up imaging as she races across Mars. Emily Lakdawalla is thrilled by evidence of recently active volcanos on Venus. Bill Nye salutes three decades of service by retiring Planetary Society founder Lou Friedman.

100 Millions Solar Systems Like Our Own?

100 Millions Solar Systems Like Our Own?

Mars Rover Project Manager John Callas

John Callas tells us why an end to Spirit's roving does not mean the end of her work on the red planet. Emily Lakdawalla looks to the other side of Mars where Opportunity is rolling up to a baby crater, and Bill Nye is head over heels for the highest ever skydive.

William Borucki on Kepler's Search for Another Earth

William Borucki on Kepler's Search for Another Earth

Judging a Planet's Habitability With Abel Mendez

Judging a Planet's Habitability With Abel Mendez

Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager John Callas

John Callas reports on Spirit and Opportunity, Bill Nye debates the future of humans on the Moon, and Bruce Betts looks to the Perseid meteor shower in his What's Up review of the night sky.

Kepler Begins Search for Other Earths

Kepler Begins Search for Other Earths

A Mars Exploration Rover Update with Project Scientist Bruce Banerdt

Bruce Banerdt provides a status report on Spirit and Opportunity. Bill Nye has something old and something new to talk about, and Bruce Betts returns from the Planetary Defense Conference in Spain with news of Near Earth Objects and other things in the night sky.

Exoplanet Finder Debra Fischer

Exoplanet Finder Debra Fischer

Celebrate the Mars Rovers With Jim Bell

Jim Bell and Bill Nye talk Spirit and Opportunity in celebration of 5 years on Mars. Emily Lakdawalla's Q&A looks forward to a Mars flyby by the Dawn spacecraft.

Landing on Mars: How Hard Can It Be?

JPL's Rob Manning explores just a few of the challenges of landing a spacecraft on another planet. We also get a Phoenix mission update from Emily Lakdawalla, who says not everything is going well.

Billions and Billions of Earthlike Planets?

Billions and Billions of Earthlike Planets?

A Mars Rover Update From Steve Squyres

Steve Squyres gives us a status report on Spirit and Opportunity, and Bill Nye comments on the rings that appear to surround one of Saturn's small moons. Last week Emily Lakdawalla told us why objects in space are round, but this time her Q&A explains why they're not.

Analyzing Alien Atmospheres

Analyzing Alien Atmospheres

Planetary Radio 5th Anniversary Show: Astronomer Geoff Marcy on Discovery of Fifth Planet in Star System

We celebrate our 5th anniversary by learning about discovery of a five-planet star system, the largest found so far. Q&A on Jupiter's red spot.

Mars Exploration Rover Program Manager John Callas

John Callas provides a status report on Spirit and Opportunity. Emily Lakdawalla is looking at brilliant Comet Holmes in her Q&A report, and Bruce Betts also makes room for Holmes in his What's Up! review of the night sky.

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