Planetary Radio • Dec 17, 2012
PLANETARY RADIO LIVE: Celebrating Rover Curiosity
On This Episode

John Grotzinger
Curiosity Project Scientist for California Institute of Technology

Richard Cook
Mars Sample Return Manager at NASA JPL

Bill Nye
Chief Executive Officer for The Planetary Society
The leaders of the Curiosity mission, Project Manager Richard Cook and Project Scientist John Grotzinger, join Bill Nye, Emily Lakdawalla and host Mat Kaplan for a live conversation about the thrilling mission of discovery on Mars. Bruce Betts tosses t-shirts to the space trivia contest winners in our packed audience, and everyone swings to the sound of jazz quartet Hedgehog Swing.
Related Links
- Watch the Complete Planetary Radio Live Video!
- Emily Lakdawalla's Latest Curiosity Blog Entry
- JPL Curiosity Rover Website
- Hedgehog Swing Jazz Quartet
Trivia Contest
This week's prize is a beautiful and informative 2013 Year In Space wall calendar.
This week's question:
From what country did Curiosity's REMS instrument package come?
To submit your answer:
Send an email no later than Monday, December 24, at 2 pm Pacific time to [email protected] containing:
Last week's question:
What is the most common graphical symbol for Neptune designed to look like?
The answer will be revealed next week.
Question from the week before:
TRMM is the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. It is a joint project of NASA and what other space agency?
JAXA, the Japanese space agency.