Planetary Radio • Jan 19, 2016
Marc Rayman’s Dawn Mission Update
On This Episode

Marc Rayman
Chief Engineer for Mission Operations and Science, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Dawn Mission Chief Engineer Marc Rayman returns for another report on the ion-engine powered mission, now orbiting 240 miles above dwarf planet Ceres in the Asteroid Belt. Emily Lakdawalla explains the bittersweet quality of Cassini’s latest images of Saturn’s moons. Bill Nye talks about two more milestones in commercial space access. Mat and Bruce offer an ISS Above system in the new space trivia contest.

Related Links:
- Dawn Journal: Science on Ceres
- Bittersweet Goodies From Cassini at Titan, Enceladus, and Telesto
- NASA Adds Dream Chaser Spacecraft to ISS Cargo Roster
- ISS Above
This week's prize is an amazing ISS-Above HD system from ImageBEAM Inc. Also, a Planetary Radio t-shirt, if you ask nicely.
This week's question:
On plaques carried by the Pioneer 10 and 11 probes, Earth’s position in shown in relation to 14 what?
To submit your answer:
Complete the contest entry form at or write to us at [email protected] no later than Tuesday, January 26th at 8am Pacific Time. Be sure to include your name and mailing address.
Last week's question:
What and when was the first spacecraft flyby of a comet?
The answer will be revealed next week.
Question from the week before:
Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the Milky Way galaxy. What comes in a distant third by mass fraction?
Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the Milky Way galaxy.