Emily LakdawallaJul 15, 2011

Program and abstracts for DPS/EPSC 2011 now online

The program and abstracts for the next big space meeting have now been posted, and there's a lot of great stuff to look forward to. The meeting is jointly hosted by two organizations, the European Planetary Science Congress and the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, and I'll be referring to it as "DPS" because that's just too many words to write out every time. It'll take place in Nantes, France from October 2 to 7 and thanks to the wonderful DPS Prize Committee I'm going to be attending all week!

I found the block program a bit difficult to decipher, so I reorganized and reassembled it into the schedule below that I hope will be helpful to others as well. Every time I go to a meeting I have the same problem: because I'm interested in all the planets and other stuff in the solar system, there are always conflicts where I want to be sitting in more than one session at the same time. But for this meeting the problem will be worse than usual; at times there will be as many as eight oral sessions going on at the same time! I've never heard of a DPS meeting with that many concurrent sessions. I hope all the rooms are close to each other. I'll have to wear sneakers so I can dash between them. And session chairs had better keep people to their scheduled times or I'll be really annoyed.

Anyway, here's the schedule:

Monday, October 3

:30-10:00: Enceladus, Jupiter room (GP5, Enceladus)
:30-10:00: Special Session, Saturne room (SE2, Don Hunten Memorial Session)
All day: Magnetospheres, Neptune room (MG2/GP9, Magnetospheres of the giant planets (co-organized))
All day: Mars, Uranus room (TP3, Active Surface Processes on Mars)
All day: Small bodies, Terre room (SB12, Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects)

Special session
0:30-12:00: SE1, Opening and PrizesLunch
2:00-13:30: EPO, Mars room (OA10, Ways to Effectively Communicate Science to the Media, Students, the Public, and through Social Media: A Three-Part Workshop Series (Part I))

3:30-17:00: Small bodies, Jupiter room (SB3, Dawn at Vesta: Early Results)
3:30-17:00: Titan, Saturne room (GP3/AB3, Titan (co-organized))
All day: Magnetospheres, Neptune room (MG2/GP9, Magnetospheres of the giant planets (co-organized))
All day: Mars, Uranus room (TP3, Active Surface Processes on Mars)
All day: Small bodies, Terre room (SB12, Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects)
3:30-17:00: Tech, Venus room (MT1, e-infrastructures for planetary sciences)
3:30-15:00: Analogues, Mars room (LF1, Analogue materials and field sites session)
15:30-17:00: Experiments, Mars room (LF3, Laboratory Experiments and Facilities for Planetary Sciences)
3:30-15:00: EPO, Mercure room (OA11, Engaging with policy makers, Panel Discussion)

Tuesday, October 4

All day: Titan, Jupiter room (GP3/AB3, Titan (co-organized))
All day: Small bodies, Saturne room (SB8, Small body research from space: NExT, EPOXI, and WISE)
:30-15:00: Rings, Neptune room (GP7/SB1, Planetary Rings (co-organized))
:30-12:00: Exoplanets, Uranus room (EO7, CoRoT and Kepler results)
:30-12:00: Tech, Terre room (MT3, ExoMars 2016 and 2018 - Instrumentation and Science)
:30-12:06: Space physics, Venus room (MG4, Comparative planetary auroral processes)

2:00-13:30: Social, Mars room (SMW1.7, Women in Astronomy Discussion Hour)

All day: Titan, Jupiter room (GP3/AB3, Titan (co-organized))
All day: Small bodies, Saturne room (SB8, Small body research from space: NExT, EPOXI, and WISE)
:30-15:00: Rings, Neptune room (GP7/SB1, Planetary Rings (co-organized))
15:30-17:00: Magnetospheres, Neptune room (GP8/MG9, Moon-magnetosphere interactions at Jupiter and Saturn (co-organized))
3:30-15:00: Geophysics, Uranus room (TP7, Geophysics of the Terrestrial Planets)
15:30-17:00: Planetology, Uranus room (TP9, General Planetology)
3:30-17:00: Small bodies, Terre room (SB15/PD2, The dwarf planets of the outer solar system (co-organized))
3:30-15:00: Exoplanets, Venus room (EO5, Physics of protoplanetary disks)
15:30-17:00: Astrobiology, Venus room (AB1, Astrobiology)
3:30-17:00: Experiments, Mars room (LF3, Laboratory Experiments and Facilities for Planetary Sciences)
3:30-15:00: EPO, Mercure room (OA1, EPO: Global Awareness and Life-long Learning)
15:30-17:00: Planetology, Mercure room (MT2, Subsurface Investigations of Planets, Moons and Small Bodies)

Wednesday, October 5

All day: Mercury, Jupiter room (TP2, Mercury after Six Months of MESSENGER Orbital Observations)
:30-10:00: Enceladus, Saturne room (GP5, Enceladus)
All day: Atmospheres, Neptune room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
:30-10:00: Space physics, Uranus room (MG5, Planetary, Solar and exoplanetary radio emissions)
All day: Exoplanets, Terre room (EO2, Observations and modelling of exoplanetary atmospheres and interiors)
:30-10:00: Dynamics, Venus room (PD1, Rotational motion of Celestial bodies : Observations and Models)
:30-10:00: Tech, Mars room (MT5, Planetary in situ measurements)

Special session
0:30-12:00: SE3, Prize Talks

2:00-13:30: EPO, Mars room (OA10, Ways to Effectively Communicate Science to the Media, Students, the Public, and through Social Media: A Three-Part Workshop Series (Part II))

All day: Mercury, Jupiter room (TP2, Mercury after Six Months of MESSENGER Orbital Observations)
3:30-17:00: Small bodies, Saturne room (SB9, Comets: latest research, observations and models)
All day: Atmospheres, Neptune room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
3:30-17:00: Dynamics, Uranus room (PD3/EO9, NO TITLE? (co-organized))
All day: Exoplanets, Terre room (EO2, Observations and modelling of exoplanetary atmospheres and interiors)
3:30-15:10: EPO, Venus room (OA9-8-3, Planetary Science in the Classroom)
15:30-17:00: Space physics, Venus room (MG7, Electrical phenomena on other planets: lightning discharges, corona and sprites)
3:30-15:00: Sedimentology, Mars room (TP6, Fluvial landforms and sedimentary deposits on planetary bodies)
15:30-17:00: Ice, Mars room (TP8, Ice in the Inner Solar System)

Thursday, October 6

ll day: Atmospheres, Jupiter room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
ll day: Small bodies, Saturne room (SB9, Comets: latest research, All day: Atmospheres, Neptune room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
:30-15:00: Icy sats, Neptune room (GP6/SB13, Satellites of the Outer Solar System (co-organized))
:30-12:00: Small bodies, Uranus room (SB2, Small bodies as granular systems and evolution of asteroid binaries)
:30-12:00: Exoplanets, Terre room (EO4, Planetary Formation)
:30-12:00: Space physics, Venus room (MG1, Plasma processes at Venus and Mars: Observations and Modelling)

ll day: Atmospheres, Jupiter room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
ll day: Small bodies, Saturne room (SB9, Comets: latest research, All day: Atmospheres, Neptune room (TP5, Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets)
:30-15:00: Icy sats, Neptune room (GP6/SB13, Satellites of the Outer Solar System (co-organized))
15:30-17:00: Exoplanets, Neptune room (EO1, Observations of exoplanets)
3:30-17:05: Space physics, Uranus room (TP10/MG8/SB14, Surface-environment interactions at airless bodies (co-organized))
3:30-17:00: Small bodies, Terre room (SB4, Asteroids and NEAs)
3:30-15:00: EPO, Venus room (OA2-7, Outreach as a Tool for Public Engagement in Planetary Science:)
15:30-17:00: Exoplanets, Venus room (EO11/AB2, Super-Earths and Life (co-organized))
3:30-15:00: Tech, Mars room (MT7, Planetary Robotics and Vision Processing)
15:30-17:00: Tech, Mars room (MT8, Planetary Mapping and Remote Sensing)

Friday, October 7

ll day: Moon, Jupiter room (TP1, Exploring the Moon)
ll day: Atmospheres, Saturne room (GP1, Giant Planet Atmospheres & Interiors)
ll day: Small bodies, Neptune room (SB4, Asteroids and NEAs)
:30-12:00: Small bodies, Uranus room (SB6, The Exploration of the Martian Moons)
:30-12:00: Spectroscopy, Terre room (TP11, Spectral analysis of planetary surfaces)
:30-10:00: Exoplanets, Venus room (EO6, Debris disks)
10:30-11:50: Exoplanets, Venus room (EO3, Comparative Planetology outside the Solar System)
0:30-12:00: EPO, Mars room (OA6, Amateur Astronomy Contribution to Planetary Sciences)

ll day: Moon, Jupiter room (TP1, Exploring the Moon)
ll day: Atmospheres, Saturne room (GP1, Giant Planet Atmospheres & Interiors)
ll day: Small bodies, Neptune room (SB4, Asteroids and NEAs)
3:30-17:00: Small bodies, Uranus room (SB7, Meteorites, interplanetary and interstellar dust)
3:30-17:00: Magnetospheres, Terre room (TP12/GP10, Planetary Magnetism (co-organized))
3:30-15:00: Space physics, Venus room (MG3, Exoplanetary magnetic fields and stellar-planetary magnetic interactions: Modelling, detection, characterization)

EPSC/DPS 2011 poster
EPSC/DPS 2011 poster

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