Emily Lakdawalla • Feb 28, 2011
Announcing the winners of the "Are We There Yet?" contest
I'm pleased to announce the winners of the Planetary Society's "Are We There Yet?" Stardust contest! The following ten people were the ones who submitted the closest guesses to the 5,673,464,575 kilometers actually traveled by Stardust from its launch to its encounter with comet Tempel 1. Winners will be getting a cool Stardust T-shirt and a JPL goody bag that includes, among other things, a Stardust cookie cutter.
The very closest was Sharyl Byram of the USA, whose guess of 5,674,291,863 kilometers was less than a million kilometers (0.015%) off!
The other winners were:
Ralph Bruder, USA
Gabriel Dario Wrobel, Argentina
Keith Farmer, USA
Rod Johnson, Australia
Robert Ley, United Kingdom
William Miller, USA
John Prophet, Canada
James Rich, USA
Peter Riesett, USA
Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! If you didn't win but want more chances at geeky cool prizes for your space exploration knowledge, listen to the Planetary Radio podcast for the weekly trivia contest.
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