Emily LakdawallaAug 04, 2010

Open House at our new headquarters with the rising Executive Director, Bill Nye

Tomorrow the Planetary Society is hosting an open house at our new headquarters, and that fact was front page news at our local newspaper, the Pasadena Star-News, this morning! It'll be an opportunity to introduce our members (and people who should be members -- seriously, if you are reading this, you ought to join) to our new headquarters and our incoming Executive Director, Bill Nye. Bill's already getting in to his new role, publishing an op-ed piece in Space News yesterday, saying, "I never imagined, not for a moment, that I would so strongly disagree with two of the world's heroes, John Glenn and Neil Armstrong..."

Front page news!
Front page news! The Planetary Society's Open House at its new headquarters at 85 South Grand Avenue in Pasadena, California, planned for Thursday, August 5, 2010, was the front page story in the Pasadena Star-News on August 4. They also posted a photo gallery of the new headquarters on their website.Image: Pasadena Star-News, www.pasadenastarnews.com

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