Emily LakdawallaMar 04, 2010

Back from LPSC

Just a quick note to all that I've collected both children from the family I left them with and we've all now arrived home from the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. LPSC was so busy with me attending sessions, talking with friends and acquaintances in the hallways, running around the poster sessions, and making my thumbs sore Tweeting through my iPhone because the WiFi was so awful that I have arrived home with something like twenty pages of notes that I have not yet written into blog entries. And, of course, while I was gone, spacecraft and planets have not stood still; Cassini flew past Rhea and Helene (having some pointing issues with the latter), while Mars Express safely completed its closest ever flyby of Phobos. At the same time, I know you have been commenting on my blog entries, and I just have not had time to respond. I can't make up all the lost ground tomorrow, but I hope to be able to do justice to all of these things as I catch up over the coming week -- your patience will be rewarded.

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