Jennifer VaughnSep 24, 2012

Follow the Water (to our leaking pipe)

It's been an eventful week: Curiosity drove to its first science target, Endeavour arrived in Los Angeles, and a leaking pipe shut down Planetary Society headquarters.

What started off as some bubbling paint has now become an elaborate construction zone with caution signs and workers outfitted with respirators and protective gear. We have three major work zones – one on the first floor where our membership team works, one in the stairwell, and one in the basement. We knew things were looking bad on Thursday, but today we got confirmation: our office is shut down until at least Wednesday, September 26.

So the staff has scattered to separate home offices, local cafes, and libraries, but we're still very much connected and able to continue our work. What we can't do is answer our office phone, but we will be checking our messages and returning phone calls. We also can't access member information from outside the office, so some member inquiries will need to be handled after we return.

We expect to be back on Thursday morning, putting our workspaces back together and catching up on any work that got quarantined. Until then, you can find us online.

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