Louis D. FriedmanMay 23, 2009

U.S. President Announces New NASA Leadership

by Louis D. Friedman, Planetary Society Executive Director

The long wait by those in the space community is over -- President Obama today announced the selection of Charles Bolden as his choice for NASA Administrator. Bolden is an ex-Astronaut -- in fact he is the shuttle pilot who delivered the Hubble Space Telescope to orbit in 1991. I find it very appropriate that his announcement was timed with the end of the final, and superbly conducted, shuttle mission to the Hubble.

President Obama also announced his choice for Deputy Administrator, Lori Garver. Garver is well known to Planetary Society members, having served as our Washington representative prior to becoming Obama's space advisor during the campaign last year.

Read more of Lou Friedman's From the Executive Director.

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